
Alegria Cupit

Alegria Cupit, Schoolita’s director and head teacher, has worked with children for 31 years (23 yrs at Schoolita). Having spent 7 years in Mexico teaching English to children, she brings with her a love for the Spanish-speaking culture. Alegria’s philosophy is that the Montessori style classroom works exceptionally well together with Spanish language education.

Originally from Texas, Alegria earned her BFA from Southwest Texas University in San Marcos, TX.

Click here to read the newspaper interview in the Hollywood Star from April 2015.


Violeta Salvador

Originally from Mexico, our lovely Spanish teacher, Violeta Salvador, is an amazing creative teacher, mother, friend, cook, yogi, and more! She always had a dream to become a teacher, and we are lucky to have learned from her for the past 18 years. She is loved and adored by everyone at Schoolita!